Discussing Sustainable Agriculture at University of Novi Sad

LoginEKO’s sustainable farming solutions take stage at the Agricultural Forum in Novi Sad.

Đura Karagić, one of the members of the LoginEKO Agro R&D team, shared his insights on agroecology and organic production at the Agricultural Forum discussing Green Agenda and Agriculture.

Joining in dynamic discussion of the panel moderated by Prof. Dr. Tatjana Brankov, he presented LoginEKO solutions in relation to soil health, nitrogen levels in soil, and green manure.

As a follow up to the event, some 40 participants have visited the LoginEKO farm to observe sustainable agriculture practices in action on large-scale fields.The conference was organized by the AGROKAZ project and in collaboration with the Serbian Association of Agricultural Economists, and took place at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia.



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