Šentjur School Center explores agri-tech at LoginEKO

Mario Maho
Mario MahoField Production

Professors from Šentjur School Center explored LoginEKO's sustainable farming practices and technology during their visit in Serbia.

Solski center Sentjur visit

On September 20th, we welcomed a group of professors from Šentjur School Center (Srednja poklicna in strokovna šola Šolskega centra Šentjur) in Slovenia at our LoginEKO facilities in Aradac, as part of their Erasmus+ project focused on exploring Serbia’s agricultural and educational institutions.

The visit began with a warm greeting, over cups of coffee, followed by an in-depth presentation on sustainable farming practices.

The presentation highlighted how we utilize our Farming Software to enhance field operations and manage agricultural processes from agronomist planning to execution by tractor drivers, all the way to warehouse management.

The visitors were particularly interested in our traceability and how we collect data at every step of the production process with the help of our Farming Software.

The tour concluded with a walk-through of our equipment, where we highlighted the technological advancements that support our organic farming operations. The visitors showed particular interest in our mechanical weed control equipment, a crucial tool in organic farming. Unlike conventional methods that rely on pesticides, our sustainable approach utilizes mechanical weed control, helping us minimize the impact on the environment and enhance crop productivity.

As the visit wrapped up, the professors left inspired by the blend of tradition and innovation at our farm, eager to implement it in their curricula, enriching the learning experiences for future agricultural experts.



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