We are tackling the challenges in our food system from our 3,700 ha organically-certified farm to your table. We want to ensure healthy food for everyone for generations to come.

We are creating solutions to facilitate the transition to a sustainable food system:

Sustainable Farming

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Farming Software

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Food Development

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We will share all of our knowledge, software, and tools for free when they have proven effective.

Our Vision

We are dedicated to transforming the entire food system to a sustainable one. For generations to come.

Jobs atLoginEKO

We are always looking for motivated people who share our enthusiasm and vision: to grow the most sustainable and healthy produce nature can provide, deliver a positive impact on the environment, and inspire change in the entire food system.



The Scouting Module: A Tool for Improved Crop Management

August 28, 2024

The Scouting module is a practical solution for monitoring crops, detecting issues early, and making informed decisions based on real-time data collected on-site.

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Cultivating the Future: The Science and Success of Chickpea Inoculation

August 22, 2024

At LoginEKO, chickpea inoculation introduces beneficial bacteria, improving yields and fostering sustainable soil practices.

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Navigating the maze of cultivar selection with Crop Analysis Tool

August 13, 2024

The statistical tool that helps you find the best crop variety to sow in the next season.

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